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#DearCinnaMoms Oct '22 part I

Fall has at last cometh!

Days have cooled,

And nights now lengthened.

Warm tones, the golden leaves we dreamt of

Autumn's breeze,

A welcomed break from summer's heat. .

Did you Miss CinnaMoms this October past?

Hold fast and have no fear, #DearCinnaMoms is here!

Recipe for change

Diving right in, and getting the ball rolling, October CinnaMoms began with a clip from Mary J. Bliges round table disucssion: Dine with Mary J. Blige, and followed with our own introspective discussion, on our reactions to the phrase, “Strong Black Woman.

What is yours?

"A strong black woman, is not an angry woman." -CinnaMoms

Leading our discussion this month, lead facilitator, CinnaMoms royalty, and lactation consultant extraordinaire... the always wonderful IBCLC, Wanda! Hosting 45 attendees, Wanda led CinnaFamilies in a discussion about life before and after children.

How has life changed?

Wanda asked, to ponder on our lives and our energy levels, or lack thereof. (Other than not being able to use the restroom without closing the door, or the disappearance of “me” time) What was shared was: their wants, taking over our lives, as we say goodbye to the energy and time or patience for anything else. It was also shared that moms (rarely having anytime for themselves already), welcome new norms of, car seats, cracked cell phone screens, and kids' YouTube.

How do you spend your time now?

Are you practicing self-care?

Maybe impossible now to do things by yourself, but it is okay to do things for yourself.

Self-care self-care self-care!

CinnaMoms has discussed this topic at great lengths, and due to its level of importance, will continue to do so.

For more information on CinnaMoms Self-Care Tips:

In effort to continue rebuilding this village of support, CinnaMoms creates a safe space for families to come together and share ideas that work for them, and this session was no exception. Quality time with our little ones, bringing them into the kitchen and allowing to aid in preparing dinner (through age appropriate task), exercising, or maybe, a little quality time without them. Do what works for you! And as one CinnaMom shared, maybe your thing is also a glass of wine, blasting your favorite tunes while doing a little housework.

What have our families learned after having kids

  • Having patience

  • Learned how to love more

  • Gratitude

  • Enlightenment

If there was anyone anywhere who could know, could understand where you are coming from, it is here at CinnaMoms because with CinnaMoms, you are never alone.

Interested in learning more about CinnaMoms and our community partners?

Please visit: for more information.

We continue to meet twice a month, every first and third Thursday and cannot wait, to have you join our village of support, see you there!



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