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#DearCinnaMoms Sept '21 part II

Coming together

On September 2nd, 2021 45 individuals came together virtually to discuss the feeding needs of infants and to hear from The Magnificent Lydia Boyd. A career IBCLC, CBE-Expert, CLE, Peer Counselor, and Full Spectrum Doula. Lydia has graciously agreed to share some of the wisdom she’s acquired through her own experiences and in helping families meet their feeding goals through the years. In turn, attendees shared their experiences while acknowledging their struggles and celebrating the successes.

Camera Shy

The thought of coming on camera and voicing our opinions can be a scary one, yet CinnaMoms has shown us time and time again that this is a place free of judgment. In keeping with the mission statement of creating a safe space, we are encouraged to share our concerns if even via the chat box and behind the safety of our keyboards; all are welcomed! (Maybe if we were all too comfortable before a camera, we’d have many more supermodels and movie stars in our midst.) After a great start to our afternoon with our lactation guru affirming our experiences, Lydia posed several questions to the group that this participant wishes to share with you for consideration:

What are the recommendations on weaning?

Why are we weaning?

Whose decision is it?

How long should I breastfeed?

We know that the opinions of others will likely influence our decision-making process and it is no different when making our decision to wean. We often fall victim to societal pressures and no matter how stubborn we can be, doubt can slowly creep its way in. What do lactation experts say? "A mother’s informed decision is always encouraged."

After struggling in those early days in getting the baby to latch and the constant fears whether or not the baby was getting enough, we get to a great place and we start hearing why we should stop? Auntie Lydia is right; mom doesn’t need you, I nor “uncle Cleofus” telling her that her baby is old enough or big enough and that it is time.

To the surprise of the group, it was far too common a practice. Several CinnaMoms attendees also shared instances where their own families and even the hospital staff had incorrectly told nursing moms to stop nursing or to begin the introduction to solid foods before the baby was even ready. CinnaMoms is here and ready to help you breastfeed as long as you had hoped for and support you in your journey. So let us support moms in ways that help them feel supported and allow every mom and baby to make that decision for themselves.

Weaning and adding solids to your baby’s diet

When talking about introducing baby foods, we found that Doctors often go against their medical recommendations, The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the introduction of baby foods or begin “weaning” (introducing a new food other than breastmilk) at around six months of age. Even if a baby reaches the developmental milestones at four months, the baby’s digestive system may not be ready for it, Lydia said it best “so keep breastfeeding because your breastmilk is enough.' ‘Don’t be so quick to wean your babies and enjoy this time!”

For a list of age-appropriate foods:

We meet again

Our second meet-up of the month began with Peer Counselors, Lactation Educators, and Nutritionists respectively: Willie, Rhonda, Ronie welcoming us and back and taking a look at all of the CinnaMoms events held this year so far. Can you believe we are nearing the end of the year? For those keeping track, 17. That is the number of times we have come together in support of one another. It is evident CinnaMoms is consistent and dedicated, CinnaMoms is Love. I don’t know anyone who can come into a space like this and not feel comforted or supported and not just by the staff but by everyone in attendance!

No one person has all the answers and perhaps that is why this space works so well. This session was an open forum and all questions were welcomed and addressed. No matter how common or uncommon an obstacle, when it came to helping our families thrive CinnaMoms is where you want to be. Rhonda spoke about her own experiences with her little prince biting and what worked for her, Ronie reminded us “don’t laugh or the biting will continue.” We learn together, our professionals were also enlightened on a topic many of us had no experience with and that was lactating adenomas.

Do you want to know about the normalcy of increased sensitivities to the nipples towards the end of the pregnancy? Or about how your baby gets better at transferring milk as they get older, therefore spending less time at the breast? Then come to the next CinnaMoms event! Pose your questions and maybe just by attending, you will find answers to questions you didn’t even know you had.

Gift cards

Please complete a survey for a chance to win but more importantly let CinnaMoms know what you think! We will continue to come together to discuss the to1pics you care about, let us know what they are. You can also visit our partners for even more support!

Soul food for Baby Breastfeeding support for African American Families

is holding virtual support groups for pregnant and parenting support.

WIC has Peer counselors are available for one on one personal attention and support through your pregnancy and the first 6 months postpartum.

Welcome baby is here:

Welcome Baby Interest Form:

Black infant health: 323-238-3205

Frontline Doulas:

Come and join CinnaMoms, visit our partners and sign up for our newsletter. You can also follow us all on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

We are a community and only by coming together can we break these cycles of systemic oppression.

Until next time CinnaMoms, stay happy, stay healthy


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